J-Testr+ GTI Test System (Type A)
• ‘Off the shelf’ ready
• Highly configurable, re-configurable & versatile
• Extremely compact ‘all-in-one’ space-saving solution
• Supports the non-isolated LV & HV Supply peripheral cards at full currents
• Suitable for low, medium and high-volume applications
• J-Testr Test System with Generic Test Interposer (GTI) & ‘Exchangeable Unit’
• ‘Exchangeable Unit’ easily & rapidly swapped.
• ‘Exchangeable Unit’ uses either low-cost ‘Direct’ or automatic ‘Pylon’ connections
• ‘Prototype Exchangeable Unit’ option allows immediate test development
• Bed of Nails option (for high performance & mid/high volume)
• Cable-connected UUT option (for low cost & low volume or military applications)
• 100% ‘EZ-Wired’ compatible
• Customised test circuitry possible on the Connection Card
• All UUT surfaces ESD safe
• Highly configurable, re-configurable & versatile
• Extremely compact ‘all-in-one’ space-saving solution
• Supports the non-isolated LV & HV Supply peripheral cards at full currents
• Suitable for low, medium and high-volume applications
• J-Testr Test System with Generic Test Interposer (GTI) & ‘Exchangeable Unit’
• ‘Exchangeable Unit’ easily & rapidly swapped.
• ‘Exchangeable Unit’ uses either low-cost ‘Direct’ or automatic ‘Pylon’ connections
• ‘Prototype Exchangeable Unit’ option allows immediate test development
• Bed of Nails option (for high performance & mid/high volume)
• Cable-connected UUT option (for low cost & low volume or military applications)
• 100% ‘EZ-Wired’ compatible
• Customised test circuitry possible on the Connection Card
• All UUT surfaces ESD safe
The J-Testr+ GTI test systems give the user a complete FCT (Functional Circuit Test) solution in an extremely compact footprint. With the integrated & configurable J-Testr system and Generic Test Interposer (GTI), the system is completely ready for use with no customisation work required. All stimulation and measurement signals are readily available at either the standard 2.54mm pitch ribbon cable headers (low-cost manual direct plugging option), or at an automatically plugging ‘Pylon’ mass connection type interface.
The Type A configuration supports the below peripheral cards:
LV or HV dual supply peripheral card Dual load supply peripheral card ADC/DAC peripheral card Low Voltage IO (LVIO) peripheral card Timer peripheral card High Voltage IO (HVIO) peripheral card CARS communications card (includes RS422, 485 and CAN) Reserved peripheral card (for custom peripherals) The Type A also supports the below modules: Power monitor module (x1) AC measurement module (x1) |
The test system connector pin-outs are identical for both the ‘Direct’ plugging and the mass-connection ‘Pylon’ interface options. This makes later transition between Direct and Pylon type interfaces extremely simple. It is even possible to have ‘EZ-Wired’ Connection Cards compatible with both interface types. Both the Direct and Pylon connected ‘Exchangeable Units’ use standard 2x20 pin 2.54mm pitch connectors for all stimulation and measurement signal types. This configuration means all connection types are the same and can use standard cables and/or Pylon blocks, thus minimising spares requirements and increasing system configurability.
Built-in ‘Pass-Through’ wiring options and expansion ports allow the J-Testr+ GTI test system to be connected to displays (LEDs/LCDs), switches & additional equipment such as the optional fully integrated oscilloscopes, ISP programmers, LED analysers, etc. The ‘Pass Through’ wiring allows high speed signals to be routed efficiently and effectively to and from the UUT with minimum effort, taking full advantage of the ‘EZ-Wired’ concept.
Built-in ‘Pass-Through’ wiring options and expansion ports allow the J-Testr+ GTI test system to be connected to displays (LEDs/LCDs), switches & additional equipment such as the optional fully integrated oscilloscopes, ISP programmers, LED analysers, etc. The ‘Pass Through’ wiring allows high speed signals to be routed efficiently and effectively to and from the UUT with minimum effort, taking full advantage of the ‘EZ-Wired’ concept.
A unique ‘Prototype Exchangeable Unit’ allows the test system to be used immediately upon receiving the first/prototype UUT with NO tooling. This allows test developers, or even R+D teams, to utilise the test system from a very early stage in the product development cycle, allowing developed test code/circuitry to be easily reused and passed forward to the final production test.
The ‘Bed of Nails’ wiring (if ‘Bed of Nails’ is selected), can either use the ‘EZ-Wired’ concept, or the more traditional wire wrap, or even direct solder connected wires. If the UUT volumes are low, then direct wiring to the UUT is also possible and simply achieved. Low volume applications can also be realised using the Prototype Exchangeable Unit and the J-Mount UUT support system or similar UUT support mechanisms.
Finally, an option for an integrated Oscilloscope and Signal Generator, with direct wiring to the Pylon system (where applicable), allows the user to measure more complex signals and gain access to measurement results such as voltage DC, RMS, max, min, Pk-Pk, period, pulse length, duty cycle and frequency information such as fundamental frequency, fundamental peak amplitude.